This last week has been interesting. My second, part time job has become a pain. The restaurant manager, Kim, quit in July. The new manager, Jennifer, is also the owner's daughter so I've been tip-toeing around a little, till I figure out what she's doing. Problem is, I don't think she knows what she's doing managing a restaurant. Long story short, I contacted the owner Friday and asked for a meeting. He met me and I showed him my list of problems and some of the other problems I found while cleaning out the office. He agreed that those were his concerns as well and he wanted to set up a meeting for today. I didn't have a problem as long as he was aware I would have my kids with me since Ed works today. No problem. Well, he was supposed to call me yesterday with a time for this meeting. I haven't heard from him. So, I'll work on getting some of my responsiblities taken care of and try calling him again.
Onto the stitching.
I've been stitching on Summer Knotgarden and I've gotten through the second petal of part 2. This part is an interesting stitch. The varigated part of each petal is the same, but the green, the veins and the specialty stitches change. I'm so ready to be done with this part. I've about had enough of eyelets!

This one is another piece from the Sticklounge group. It is available for 1 Euro at Sticklounge is calling it Baumchen which I think means little tree. The colors aren't actually this bright. I'm stitching it with two different perfect reds and Oil of Amber 4111, all out of detrious bags from HDF. I'm stitching on Mystic in 32 ct Belfast from Picture This Plus.

And last but not least When Stars Collide from Tam's Creations. This is through part 6 through the Sticklounge group.

Now, I'm either going to go pull out Zentangle and work on the current part or go work on Jakob's room for a little while. I've borrowed a tool to make doing the corners easier. I had some big problems doing those last weekend. They're still time consuming but they look more finished now.
We were at Menards yesterday and looked at the sheets of cedar for closets. I decided that $25 was too much right now so I need to finish the closet too which meant mud and tape yesterday. Instead of spending $75 on cedar, we bought closet organizers for Jakob's room and for the guest room. I need to watch the ads so when baskets come on sale I can pick up a couple of those too so we can keep some of the smaller stuff coralled better.