I've been asked to put all my conversions in one place and I thought why not.
Here are MY conversions. If you want the projects to look just like the picture on the front of the design, use what the designer did. These conversions are made because I like HDF better than some of the other fibers out there and they are way more cost effective!
If you use my conversions, please send me a picture and I'll add it here. Thanks!
In no particular order...
Chatelaine's Frosty Knotgarden (I only converted the Glorianas)
Spanish Moss GLO 048 - Kail Slaw
Cobblestone GLO 126 - Lt. French Artichoke
Sage GLO 150 - Mountain Shadow
Chatelaine's The Medieval Cloister Herbularius.
I left the DMC. It keeps the price down.
Eterna Silks Mini Twist
ET 4220 - DMC 700 - HDF Popinjay 3309
Needlepoint Inc. Silk. I debated about this one. I did the conversion from the DMC conversion that Martina provided and just don't like how the colors work together. So, I'm going to bite the bullet and order the NPI. I'll probably get them from the Michigan Doctor and the Lil Thread Shop on e-bay. Just contact the Margaret and she's great to work with. She'll work with you independently of e-bay too.
Caron Waterlilies
Fir WL 112 - DMC na 926 poss - custom HDF Twisted Chrysocolla
Jade WL 066 - DMC na 3815 poss - custom HDF2467/3139/3305 This was dyed specifically to match WL Jade!
Budding Leaf WL 201 - DMC na 704 poss - HDF Popinjay 3301
Rye WL 223 - na 743 poss - HDF Examplar Firethorn
Honeydew WL 228 - na 369 poss - Willow Withies 3219
Caron Wildflowers
Burnt Toast WF 062 - DMC na - HDF Burnished Bronze Premium (it's not in the catalog, but ask for it, it is available.)
Cedar WF 136 - DMC 3861 poss - HDF Wattle & Daub Premium
Purple Night Sky GLO 025 - DMC 820 - HDF Deep Purple
Winter Brook GLO 071 - DMC na - HDF Examplar Salty Sea
Delphinium GLO 085 - HDF Alpine
Elizabethan Green GLO 117 - DMC 934 poss - HDF Examplar Spinach Delight
Crimson GLO 149 - DMC 321 poss - HDF Gandy Dancer 1141
Sage GLO 150 - DMC 926 poss - HDF Mountain Shadow
Coffee Bean GLO 166 - DMC 838 poss - HDF Jackalope 5271
Leaf Green GLO 200 - DMC 906 poss - HDF Wrasse 3315
Chocolat GLO 208 - DMC 801 poss - HDF Kodiak Bear 5137
Gloriana Florimel
Schoolhouse Red GLO Flo 162 - DMC 498 Poss - HDF OMG Red 1145
Peacock Blue GLO Flo 192 - DMC na - HDF Indigo Ocean
Olivine GLO Flo 206 - DMC 936 poss - HDF Imperial Green 3335
Dinky Dyes silk
Raspberry Ripple DD 01 - DMC 603 poss - HDF Phlox 1337
Swan Valley DD 69 - DMC 501 poss - HDF Jewelweed 3167
Mystic Pools DD 105 - DMC 333 poss - HDF Lilac Mist 2143
Gidgee DD 142 - DMC 166 poss - HDF Qing Ding 3417
Nashi DD 168 - DMC 165 poss - HDF Qing Ding 3413
Gentle Art "Simply Wool"
Cidermill Brown - DMC 3045 - HDF Oil of Amber 4115 Premium? I'll have to wait and see how this one is actually used to see if I'll keep it or order the original. I just converted using the color not the look.
Chatelaine's Spring Knotgarden
I left all the DMC alone.
Sea Moss WL 128 - Steelies 2447
Frangipani WL 187 - Attar of Roses 1221
Iris WL 209 - Dark Wisteria
Edmar Rayon Iris
IR 311 - Dragon Claw
Thread Gatherer Silk 'n Colors
Dark Forest SNC 089 -Old Maid of the Forest
Golden Pines SNC 181 - Befrogged (I happened to have a little golden pines, this is really close)
Young Asparagus SNC 251 - Victorian Mint
Marsh Grasses SNC 252 - Cactus (this is an old color that is no longer available. It was a custom color (3165/3151 thru the mini forum at HDF)
Winter Brook GLO 071 - Examplar Salty Sea
Thread Gatherer Silk Perle
Meadowgrass SP 10 975 - Underbelly (premium silk)
Dinky Dye Silk perle
Mint Ice DD P 008 - Mermaid Blue 2309 (Premium silk)
Dinky Dyes Silk
Lemon Sherbet DD 12 - Lt. French Artichoke
Part 1: I changed the color I originally chose to replace the Frangipani to Attar of Roses 1227. The Attar of Roses 1221 just didn't show up on my white fabric.
Part 5: I outlined the "leafy plants in the meadow" with one ply of Old Maid of the Forest instead of the Dragon Claw. It just popped better
Chatelaine's Summer Knotgarden
DMC was left as charted
Peach Melba WL021 - Hibiscus
Silk 'N Colors
Tapestry Green SNC 054 - Jewelweed 3169
Camoflage SNC 055 - Primordial Ooze
Pond Scum SNC 110 - Qing Ding 3417
Wood Pond GLO 049 - Plumage
Dinky Dyes
Valley Mist DD 80 - Orb
Gloriana Florimel
Monet's Pond GLO Flo 079 - Caribbean Eve
Thread Gatherer Silken Pearl
Spearmint SP 10 103 - Gloss Green 3121 (Premium weight)
Dinky Dyes Silk Perle
1000d Sea Grass DD P 136 - Imperial Green 3337 (Premium weight)
Anchor Marlitt
Turquoise vy lt 1052 - Quiet Green 3101
The Chinese Dragon
Blackforest WL 063 - Begrimed
Fresh Pink WL 117 - Pink Pearls 1211
Eterna mini twist
ET 0450 - Gold Rush 4231
ET 0500 - Zinnia 4237
ET 0530 - Tangerine 4309
ET 1820 - OMG Red 1147
ET 1920 - OMG Red 1151
ET 4220 - Popinjay 3309
ET 4260 - Wrasse 3315
Tropical Sea GLO 019 - Deap Ocean
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Zaffre Cobalt
Purple Night Sky GLO 025 - Deep Purple
Holly Berry GLO 121 - OMG Red 1141
Crimson GLO 149 - Gandy Dancer 1113
Winter Brook GLO 071 - Ex. Salty Sea
Gloriana Florimel
Halloween Green GLO Flo 097 - Wrasse 3313
Schoolhouse Red GLO Flo 162 - OMG Red 1149
Copper GLO Flo 193 - Ex. Dried Roses
Leaf Green GLO Flo 200 - Wrasse 3317
Dinky Dyes
Argyle DD 60 - Phlox 1333
Edmar Rayon
IR 206 - Black 5300
Persian Iris Garden
The NPI that have good DMC conversions, I am converting to the DMC, the turquoise colors are staying NPI. The DMC charted is remaining DMC
NPI Northern Lights
Soft Pansy 016 - Lilac Mist 2139
Blueberry 024 - Alpine
Spanish Moss 048 - Luteous Green 3249
Thread Gatherer Silk Perle
Green Leaves light 10 073 - Jewelweed 3161 (premium weight)
Dinky Dyes
Sydney Harbour 078 - Caribbean Eve
Honeydew 228 - Luteous green 3251
Oasis 229 - Deep Ocea
African Violet 232 - Velvet Midnight
Autumn Knotgarden
DMC remains as charted
Honeydew WL 228 - Luteous Green 3249
Blackforest WL 063 - Begrimed
Olive WL 106 - Willow Withies 3223
Green Tea WL 180 - Guilded Cage
Silk 'n Colors
Gingersnap SNC 172 - Ochre 4407
English Ironstone SNC 176 - Belaced
Meadowgrass SNC 975 - Underbelly
Rye Grass SNC 1005 - Penny Wort 3443
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Zaffre Cobalt
Copper GLO 193 - Everlasting
Gloriana Florimel
Olivine GLO Flo 206 - Imperial Green 3337
Dinky Dyes
Valley Mist DD 80 - Orb
Edmar Rayon
IR 206 - Black 5300
The Art Nouveau Sampler
NPI - I'm using the DMC conversion
Gloriana Florimel
Spanish Moss GLO Flo 048 - Seawrack 3431
Sierra Haze GLO Flo 072A - Orb - The name and number of this one don't match. I went with the ssumption that this was Sierra Haze lt which converted to Orb
Sage GLO 150 - Mountain Shadow
Silk 'n colors
Camouflage SNC 055 - Primordial Ooze
Dark Forest SNC 089 - Old Maid of the Forest
Alpine Grasses SNC 185 - Victorian Mint
Fir WL 112 - Jewelweed 3163
Dinky Dyes
Sea Grass DD 136 - Ex. Fried Pickles
The Hummingbird Mandala
DMC as charted
Gloriana Florimel
Sierra Haze GLO Flo 072A - Flannel Dark (Name and color number do not match here, if it is Sierra Haze then convert to Mountain Shadow, if Sierra Haze lt, then convert to orb)
Deep Blue Sea GLO 017 - Indigo Ocean
Tropical Sea GLO 019 - Deep Ocean4-+
Lavender Ice GLO 132 - Lilac Mist 2131
Silk 'n Color
Honeyed Turpuoise SNC 070 - Earth Dragon
Dark Forest SNC 089 - Old Maid of the Forest
Ice WL 044 - Magpie Tears 2341
Crystal Bay WL 127 - Steelies 2447
Guacamole WL 206 - Vetch Green 3235
Ash WL 218 - Pussy Willow
Dinky Dyes
Lemon Mint DD 15 - Elephant Ears
Blue Mountains DD 77 - Orb
Hawaii Garden Mandala
DMC as charted
NPI converted to DMC
Silk N Colors
Periwinkle Blue SNC 022 - Etheral Blue 2301
Chartreuse SNC 045 - Qing Ding 3415
Camouflage SNC 055 - Spinach Delight
Green Leaves Lt. SNC 073 - Jewel Weed 3161
Dark Forest SNC 089 - Willow Withies 3229
Lavendar Haze SNC 106 - Nose gay 2103
Pond Scum SNC 110 - Umbrage 3465
Vintage Violets SNC 140 - Acts of Violets
Dragon's Breath SNC 148 - Tart Knickers 1121
Gingersnap SNC 172 - Ochre 4405
Straw into Gold SNC 175 - Liquid Gold 4175
Simply Strawberry SNC 177 - Gandy Tango
Emerald Isle SNC 995 - Isle Green 3211
Thread Gatherer Silk Perle
Forest of Greens SP 10 025 - Dragon Opal (Premium weight)
Dinky Dyes
Gum Leaves DD 20 - Jewel Weed 3165
Midnight DD 66 - Mermade Blue 2327
Burnt Toast WL 062 - Ex. Firethorn
Blackforest WL 063 - Old Maid of the Forest
Jade WL 066 - Willow Withies 3225
Celadon WL 067 - Willow Withies 3221
Crystal Bay WL 127 - Steelies 2447
Peach Cobbler WL 202 - Attar of Roses 1221
Cardinal WL 219 - Pink Pearls 1217
Aquamarine WL 200 - Quiet Green 3103
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Yonder Blue 2221 or Zaffre Cobalt
Monets Pond GLO 079 - Caribbean Eve
Hydrangea GLO 081 - Mermaid Blue 2309
Forest GLO 087 - Examplar Fried Pickles
Slate Blue GLO 124 - Steelies 2449
Winter Watergarden
DMC (there are a bunch of them!) are left as charted
Café au Lait WL 104 – BeMoiled
Sea Moss WL 128 – Steelies 2449
Shenandoah WL 241 – Deep Ocean
Silk ‘n Colors
Heirloom Blue SNC 049 – Magpie Tears 2347
Weathered Basket SNC 196 – BeLaced
Winter Brook GLO 071 – Salty Sea
Sierra Haze GLO 072 – Ex. Flannel Dark
Sierra Haze Lt. GLO 072A – Orb
Sable GLO 131 – OMOT Soil
Coffee Bean GLO 166 – Jackalope 5271
DD Silk Perle
Ironbark DD P 118 – BeSeeded (Premium weight)
Anchor Marlitt
Coffee ultra vy lt 1034 – Kodiak Bear 5121
Caribbean (Mystery XII - 2009)
DMC left as charted
NPI - I converted these to Martina's DMC conversion when I stitched it and loved it but here are the conversions to HDF if you're interested.
NPI 112 - Faded Denium 2231 - 1 micro
NPI 487 - Aquamarine 2439 - 1 micro
NPI 493 - Nile Blue 2421 - 1 micro
NPI 495 - Chrysocolla 2253 - 1 micro
NPI 941 - Gandy Dancer 1101 - 1 micro
NPI 942 - Pink Pearls 1213 - 1 micro
NPI 945 - Attar of Roses 1231 - 1 micro
Gloriana stranded silk
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Zaffre Cobalt - 2 micros
Blue Grass GLO 050 - Examplar Moon Called Sea 1 micro
Gloriana Luminescence (use premium weight)
Laura's Garden GLO 084 - Pastel Rainbow - 1 micro
Deep Blue Sea GLO 017 - Indigo Ocean - 1 micro
Thread Gatherer Silk 'n Colors
Emerald Isle SNC 995 - Gloss Green 3127 - 2 micros
Thread Gatherer Silk Perle (use premium weight)
Granite SP 10 066 - Examplar August (not in catalog, but available, just ask for it!) - 1 micro
Caron Waterlilies
Cocoa 099 - Examplar Kindling - 1 micro
Frangipani 187 - Attar of Roses 1221 - 2 micros
Gingersnap 189 - Fagales 4461 - 1 micro
South Pacific 194 - BeWrayed - 2 micros
Bermuda Reef 207 - Deep Ocean - 3 micros
Honeydew 228 - Luteous Green 3249 - 1 micro
Samplar Threads (Gentle Art)
Poppy - Attar of Roses 1229 - 1 micro
Spring Grass - Popinjay 3303 - 1 micro
Dinky Dyes
Ironbark DD118 - Beseeded - 1 micro
NPI - These will probably be converted to DMC except for the colors without a good conversion. Those I will purchase from the Michigan Thread Doctor
Thread Gatherer Silk 'n colors
Pondscum SNC 110 - Umbrage 3465
Vintage Violets SNC 140 - Acts of Violets
Coastal Seeweeds SNC 188 - Kail Slaw
Thread Gatherer Silk Perle (Premium weight)
Vintage Browns SP 10 012 - Orchid Smoke 5115
Forest of Greens SP 10 025 - Dragon Opal
Dinky Dyes Silk
Pearl DD061 - I bought this one
Seafoam 029 - Nile Blue 2419
Olive 106 - Mooncreep 3147
Sable 196 - BeSeeded
Bermuda Reef 207 - BeWrayed
Bordeaux 216 - BeWhined
Glacier 233 - Nile Blue 2421
Deep Blue Sea 017 - Indigo Ocean
Green Gables 120 - Victorian Mint
Cinnamon 151 - Larks Tongue
Rajasthan Lotus Pond
DMC left as charted
Tropical Sea GLO 019 - Quiet Green 3101
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Zaffre Cobalt
Peacock Blue GLO 192 -
Thread Gatherer Silk 'n Colors
Camoflage SNC 055 - Fried Pickles or Primordial Ooze
Emerald WL 065 - Isle Green 3215
Olive WL 106 - Willow Withies 3223
Honeydew WL 228 - Luteous Green 3249
Butterfly Lace Mandala
ALL the DMC as charted (there is a lot of it)
Caron Waterlilies
Cucumber WL 211 - Ex. Miligrubs
Seaglass WL 226 - Bewrayed
Olive Grove WL 244 - Dragon Tongue
Deep Blue Sea GLO 017 - Indigo Ocean
Midnight GLO 093 - Motes of Night
Olive Grove GLO 116 - PB Olive
Shirley Green GLO 159 - Kail Slaw
Dinky Dyes
Coral Sea DD11 - Besmurfed
Coolibah DD 53 - Jadeite 2461
Ocean Pines DD 68 - Aquamarine 2439
Ocean Grove DD 76 - Carribbean Eve
Gidgee DD 142 - Seawrack 3433
Claremont DD 157 - Lilac MIst 2143
Nashi DD 168 - Luteous 3251
Edmar Rayon Thread
IR 149 - Aquamarine 2433
IR 151 - Vetch Green 3233
2011 Mystery Deep Blue Sea
DMC - left as charted
Deep Blue Sea GLO 017 - Indigo Ocean
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Zaffre Cobalt
Blue Grass GLO 050 - Ex. Moon Called Sea
Sierra Haze lt. GLO 072A - Orb
Cottage Woods lt GLO 073A 0 Underbelly
Blue Hawaii GLO 078 - Chrysocolla 2255
Monets Pond GLO 079 - Caribbean Eve
Baby Corn GLO 129 - Haystacks
Old Gold GLO 169 - Primitive Barn Straw
Gloriana PPP Perle
Topiary PPP 115 - Examplar August (premium weight) (this isn't in the catalog. order something else and put in comments that you want the Ex. August!)
Dinky Dyes
Mint Ice DD 08 - Aquamarine 2433
Aquamarine DD 43 - Aquamarine 2435
Cobar DD 113 - Cerveza 4145
Shark Bay DD 134 - Yonder Blue 2215
Dandenong DD 135 - Kail 3365
Sea Grass DD 136 - Imperial Green 3339
Blue Groper DD 163 - OMOT Tempest
Stringy Bark DD 191 - OMOT Soil
DD Dyes Silk Perle 600D
Blue Ice DD 183 - Aquamarine 2431 (premium weight)
Gidgee DD 142 - Sea Wrack 3433 (premium weight)
Caron Waterlilies
Tobacco WL 036 - Dragon Breath?
Jade WL 066 - custom dye job
Bermuda Reef WL 207 - Deep Ocean
Honeydew WL 228 - Luteous Green 3251
Pesto WL 243 - PB Olive
Primrose WL 248 - Winterberried
Swan Lake
DMC - left as charted
Purple Night Sky GLO 025 - Deep Purple
Rosebud Green GLO 137A - Isle Green
Sage GLO 150 - Mountain Shadow
Blythe Green GLO 160 - Willow Withies 3223
French Blue GLO 176 - Etheral Ice
Gloriana PP Perle
Autumn Gold PPP 041 - Marques Des Cercles (premium weight)
Thread Gatherer Silk n Colors
Dark Forest SNC 089 - Old Maid of the Forest
Pond Scum SNC 110 - Qing Ding 3417
Bleu Sage SNC 122 - Ex. Moon Called Sea
Tattered Parchment SNC 246 - Lt. French Artichoke (French Artichoke would also work well, I think)
Washed Out Grape SNC 268 - Rockpile 5105
Caron Waterlilies
Sea Moss WL 128 - Steelies 2447
Frangipani WL 187 - Attar of Roses 1221
Ice Lavender WL 193 - Ultra Violet 2117
Iris WL 209 - Dragon Claw
DMC as charted
Caron Waterlilies:
Fraises du Bois WL 190 - Winterberried
Aquamarine WL 200 - Mint Creme
Caron Wildflowers
Spice WF 123 - Brass Tacks 3453 (premium)
Caron Impressions
Fiesta IMP 010 - Dragon Breath II (premium)
Teal Twilight GLO 018 - Indigo Ocean
Purple NIght Sky GLO 025 - Deep Purple
Blue Grass GLO 050 - Ex. Moon Called Sea
Rain Forest GLO 067 - Earth Dragon
Hydrangea GLO 081 - Yonder Blue 2221
Midnight GLO 093 - Motes of Night
Elizabethan Green GLO 093 - Ex. Spinach Delight
Old Gold GLO 169 - PB Straw
Chocolat GLO 208 - Kodiak Bear 5139
Dinky Dyes silk
Lemon Lime DD 15 - Lemon Creme
Kakadu DD 51 - Willow Withies 3225
Gidgee DD 142 - Qing Ding 3417
Pindi DD 162 - Luteous Green 3255
Jungle Green DD 194 - Dragon Opal
Camo Green DD196 - BeLeaved
Lemon Grass DD 197 - Underbelly
Marigold DD 198 - BeGuilted
Dinky Dyes Perle
Ironbark DD P 118 - BeSeeded (premium)
Gidgee DD P 142 - Qing Ding 3417 (premium)
Gloriana Princess Perle
Apricot Grove PP 076 - Amber Waves (premium)
Gloriana Luminescence
Peacock GLO Lum 191 - Dragon Hoard or Pastel Rainbow (premium)
Gloriana Florimell GLO Flo 114 - Dragon Fire
Anniversary Sleeping Beauty Castle (this is coverted with a lot of help of Vikki at HDF. Thanks Vikki)
Caron Waterlilies
Peach Melba WL 021 - Tugtika
Winter Wheat WL 138 - Hearthstone
Tiramisu WL 224 - BeLaced
Pesto WL 243 - PB Olive
Caron Wildflowers
Blackforest 063 - Kindling Premium
Dinky Dyes
Swan Valley DD 69 - Ex. Spinach Delight
Sea Grass DD136 - Imperial Green 3339
Jungle Green DD194 - Dragon Opal
Lemon Grass DD197 - Underbelly
Olive Grove GLO116 - Ex. Milligrubs
Cobblestone GLO 126 - WAttle & Daub
Fawn GLO 199 - Jackalope 5263
Chocolat GLO 208 - Kodiak BEar 5137
Gloriana PPP
Cottage Woods PPP073 - Yawning Mountain Premium
Spring Watergarden
Crystal Bay WL 127 - Mermaid Blue 2309
Copper WL 137 - PB Rust
Orchid WL185 - Dark Wisteria
Glacier WL 233 - Woad Blue 2405
Pesto WL 243 - PB Olive
Dinky Dyes
Lemon Mint DD16 - Elephant Ears
Salt Bush DD88 - French Artichoke
Turquoise DD 107 - Ocean Breeze
Binda DD108 - Hemlock 31110
Marigold DD198 - BeGuilted
Blythe Green GLO160 - Vetch Green 3237
Tulip Festival GLO 180 - Russian Sage
Fawn GLO 199 - Jackalope 5265
Leaf Green GLO200 - Wrasse 3317
Gloriana Flomiell
Peacock Blue GLO Flo 192 - Indigo Ocean
Gloriana PPP
Cottage Woods - Yawning Mountain - Premium
Gardens of Paris Online 84
DMC - left as charted
Caron Waterlilies
Ice WL 044 - Mermaid Blue 2311
Celadon WL 067 - Luteous Green 3251 (this is from the solid. It's a tough one, maybe Knucker or Victorian Mint. It's a green and grey varigate)
Cucumber WL 211 - BeLeaved
Autumn Gold GLO 041 - Marque Des Cercles
Wood Pond GLO 049 - Plumage
Desert Rose GLO 106 - Winterberry 1423
Olive Grove GLO 116 - Primitive Barn Olive
Cobblestone GLO 126 - Examplar Wattle & Daub
Delicate Teal GLO 195 - Aquamarine 2431
Dinky Dyes (these seem to be fairly solid, converted from the DMCs listed)
Strawberry Ice DD 04 - Attar of Roses 1221
Ruby DD 25 - Venus' Mirror 1309
Kakadu DD 51 - Stelies 2449
Coolibah DD 53 - Jadeite 2463
Aussie Gold DD 62 - Yellow Spice 4161
Swan Valley DD 69 - Kail 3365
Gidgee DD 142 - Sea Wrack 3433
Lost Gold DD 143 - Cerveza 4143
Cottesloe DD 154 - Haywains 4127
Nashi DD 168 - Kailslaw
Gloriana PPP
Autumn Gold PPP 041 - Marque Des Cercles (premium weight)
Les Roses de Paris Online 83
DMC as charted
Caron Waterlilies
Celery WL 242 - Mint Creme?
Jacaranda GLO 011 0 Ex. Kindling
Alpine Taupe GLO 105A - Ex. PussyWillow
Elizabethan Green GLO 117 - Ex. Spinach Delight
Sage GLO 150 - Mountain Shadow
Dinky Dyes
Lavender Mist DD 03 - Ultra Violet 2117
Lemon Lime DD 15 - Lemon Creme
Merlot DD 36 - BeWhined
Cottesloe DD 154 - Haywains 4127
Spearmint DD 155 - Kailslaw?
Pindi DD 162 - Beleaved
Evergreen DD 189 - Jewelweed 3169
Northern Lights silk
Magenta SL 070 - Dragon Blood?
Octopus Treasure Cave
The Pomarium Mandala:
DMC left as charted
Caron Waterlilies Silk
Emerald WL 065/na 700 - Popinjay 3309
Jade WL 066/na 505 - LE 2467/3139/3305
Celadon WL 067/na 3348 - LE Irish Moss
Antique Brass WL 085/na 3052 - Ex. Guilded Cage
Flamingo WL 095/na 3708 - OMG Red 1131
Cedar WL 136/na 3861 - Wattle & Daub
Dinky Dyes Silk
Lemon Lime DD 15/165 - Lemon Creme
Ruby DD 25/na3831 - Attar of Roses
Fuchia DD37/na 3608 - Dark Wisteria
Aquamarine DD43/na519 - Woad Blue 2405
Cobar DD 113/782 - Cerveza 4145
Gidgee DD 142/580 - Moss Agate 3421
Nashi DD 168/472 - Imperial Green 3325
Peacock DD 185/3814 - Gloss Green 3125
Matilda DD 201/500 - Jewelweed 3169
Mud Flat DD 203/3371 - Beseeded
Gloriana Silk
Tropical Sea GLO 019/958 - Deep Ocean
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023/820 - Zaffre Cobalt
Spanish Moss GLO 048/732 - Sea Wrack 3431
Rain Forest GLO 067/na - Ex. Salty Sea
Blue Hawaii GLO 078/3844 - Chrysocolla 2255
Elizabethan Green GLO 117/935 - Ex. Spinach Delight
Sable GLO 131/ma642 - Ex. Petty Fog
Holiday Blue GLO 136/na803 - Mermaid Blue 2325
Crimson GLO 149/na 815 - Gandy Dancer 1113
Avonlea Grean GLO 161/na3346 - Luteous Green 3255
Olivine GLO 206/na936 - Imperial Green 3335
Deep Blue Sea GLO 017/3808 - Indigo Ocean
Gloriana Princess Perle Petit
Royal Plum PPP 187/na 154 - Ultra Maroon 1455 Premium
Beaded Peacock Tile
DMC as charted
DMC as charted
Dinky Dyes
Valley Mist DD80/na 762 - Orb
Dinky Dyes silk Perle 600d
Natural DD P Natural/3865 - Natural 5201 Premium
Hydrangea GLO 081/na 157 - Yonder Blue 2221
Slate Blue GLO 124/na 931 - Magpie Warbles
Caron Waterlilies
Cedar WL 136/na 3861 - LE Rubbed Aluminum
The Seville Alcazar Mauresque Garden
DMC as charted
Caron Waterlilies
Jade WL 066/na 505 - custom color
Crystal Bay WL 127/na 747 - Steelies 2447
Copper WL 137/na - -PB Rust or PB Copper?
Budding Leaf WL 201/na 912 - Popingjay 3301
Pesto WL 243/734 - PB Olive
Dinky Dyes Silk
Gum Leaves DD 20/503 - Jewelweed 3165
Topaz DD46/na 422 - Grasses
Coolibah DD53/518 - Jadeite 2461
Billabong DD106/825 - Yonder Blue 2213
Cobar DD113 - Cerveza 4145
Dark Chocolate DD141/na898 - Beseeded
Pindi DD162/na 3346 - Beleaved
Dinky Dyes Silk Perle 600d
Blue Iris DD P 161/796 - Yonder Blue 2219 Premium
Edmar Rayon Iris
IR 149 - Aquamarine 2433
IR 215 - Imperial Green 3329
Tropical Sea GLO 019/958 - Deep Ocean
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023/820 - Zaffre Cobalt
Rain Forest GLO 067/na - Earth Dragon
Cottage Woods GLO 073/na -Yawning Mountain
Sage GLO 150/na 3768 - Mountain Shadow
Peacock Blue GLO 192/na3848 - Indigo Ocean or Dragon Hoard
Olivine GLO 206/na936 - Imperial Green 3335
Chocolat GLO 208/na 898 - Kodiak Bear 5139
Gloriana Florimell
Leaf Green GLO FLO 200 - Wrasse 3315
Gloriana PPP Perle
Antique Gold PPP 086/782 - Ex. Lily Tutters Premium
Alpine Taupe PPP 105A/na 647 - Rubbed Silver ver2
French Kitchen Garden (Mystery XVI-2013)
DMC are all left as charted
Wood Pond GLO 049 - Plumage
Midnight GLO 093 - Woad 2415
Autumn Arbor GLO 113 - Baneberry
Sable GLO 131 - Ex. Pettyfog
Delicate Teal GLO 195 - Aquamarine 2431
Thistle Patch GLO 213 - Caribbean Reef?
Deep Blue Sea GLO 017 - Indigo Ocean
Spanish Moss GLO 048 - Seawrack 3431
Copper GLO 193 - Terra Potta 4323
Silver Green GLO 210 - Kail Slaw
Olivine GLO 206 - Imperial Green 3335
Dinky Dyes
True Blue DD 104 - Nile Blue 2423
Billabong DD 106 - Yonder Blue 2213
Aussie Dawn DD 144 - Ex. Lilly Tutters
Pindi DD 162 - BeLeaved
Jungle Green DD 194 - OMOT Forest
Choco Cherry DD 199 - LE Choc Covered Cherry
Matilda DD 201 - Imperialosity
Dinky Dyes Silk Perle
Sea Grass DD P 136 - Imperial Green 3339 (Premium)
Gidgee DD P 142 - Moss Agate 3421 (Premium)
Caron Waterlilies
Jade WL 066 - LE Jade
Santa Fe WL 183 - Ex. Dried Roses
Caron Wildflowers
Kelp WF 139 - Country Road ? (Premium)
Granite WF 165 - Primitive Barn Mouse (Premium) or Magpie Twitters (?)
Tinctorium Garden
DMC as charted
Caron Waterlilies Silk
Copper WL 137 - PB Rust
Periwinkle WL 162 -
Budding Leaf WL 201 - Popingjay 3301
Guacamole WL 206 - Vetch Green 3235
Shenandoah WL 241 - Deep Ocean
Pesto WL 243 - PB Olive
Caron Wildflowers
Caramel WF 171 -
Dinky Dyes Silk
Ruby DD 25 - Venus Mirror 1309
Tea Tree DD 41 -
Cottesloe DD 154 - Haywains 4127
Wallaby Grass DD 184 -
Peacock DD 185 - Gloss Green 3125
Hydrangea DD 208 -
Dinky Dyes Silk Perle 600d
Turquoise DD P 107 - Ocean Breeze
Gidgee DD P 142 - Sea Wrack 3433
Persian Jade DD P 174 - OMOT Tempest/OMOT Sea
Edmar Rayon
IR 215 - Imperial Green 3329
Gloriana Flormell Silk
Lavender Ice GLO Flo 132 - Lilac Mist 2131
Gloriana Luminescence Silk
Forest GLO Lum 087 - Ex. Fried Pickles
Gloriana Silk
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Zaffre Cobalt
Spanish Moss GLO 048 - Sea Wrack 3431
Winter Brook GLO 071 - Ex. Salty Sea
Forest GLO 087 - Ex. Fried Pickles
Green Gables GLO 120 - Victorian Mint
Victorian Rose GLO 123 - Winterberry 1419
Blue Heron GLO 145 - Magpie Twitters
Chocolat GLO 208 - Kodiak Bear 5139
Elizabethan Green GLO 117 - Ex. Spinach Delight
Gloriana Petit Perle Princesse
Wood Pond PPP 049 - Plumage
Romantic Rose Garden
DMC as charted
WL Jade - WL 066 - LE Jade
WL Periwinkle - WL 162 - Magpie Warbles
WL Honeydew - WL 228 - Luteous Green 3251
Silk N Colors
SNC 089 - Old Maid of the Forest
Lavender Ice - GLO 132 - LE 2343-2449
2012 Raffle Consolation Prize
5 Little Pumpkins by The Cat's Whiskers Design Studio Pty Ltd

310-Basic Black 5300
318 - Zenops 5319
550 - Ultra Violet 2125
704 - Popinjay 3301
712 - Kodiak Bear 5121
740 - Gold Rush 4233
745 - Gold Rush 4223
919 - Terra Potta 4323
White - Natural 5201
Kreinik #4 5510 - PB14
Medieval Octagon - colorway 1
DMC as charted
Caron Waterlilies
Emerald - WL 065 - Isle Green 3215
Jade - WL 066 - custom
Lemon Meringue - WL 094 - Bemaized
Iris - WL 209 - Dark Wisteria
Honeydew - WL 228 - Willow Withies 3219
Deep Blue Sea - GLO 017 - Indigo Ocean
GLO Laquered Gold - GLO 045 - Examplar Guilded Cage
Alpine Taupe - GLO 105A - Examplar Pussy Willow
Here are MY conversions. If you want the projects to look just like the picture on the front of the design, use what the designer did. These conversions are made because I like HDF better than some of the other fibers out there and they are way more cost effective!
If you use my conversions, please send me a picture and I'll add it here. Thanks!
In no particular order...
Chatelaine's Frosty Knotgarden (I only converted the Glorianas)
Spanish Moss GLO 048 - Kail Slaw
Cobblestone GLO 126 - Lt. French Artichoke
Sage GLO 150 - Mountain Shadow
Chatelaine's The Medieval Cloister Herbularius.
I left the DMC. It keeps the price down.
Eterna Silks Mini Twist
ET 4220 - DMC 700 - HDF Popinjay 3309
Needlepoint Inc. Silk. I debated about this one. I did the conversion from the DMC conversion that Martina provided and just don't like how the colors work together. So, I'm going to bite the bullet and order the NPI. I'll probably get them from the Michigan Doctor and the Lil Thread Shop on e-bay. Just contact the Margaret and she's great to work with. She'll work with you independently of e-bay too.
Caron Waterlilies
Fir WL 112 - DMC na 926 poss - custom HDF Twisted Chrysocolla
Jade WL 066 - DMC na 3815 poss - custom HDF2467/3139/3305 This was dyed specifically to match WL Jade!
Budding Leaf WL 201 - DMC na 704 poss - HDF Popinjay 3301
Rye WL 223 - na 743 poss - HDF Examplar Firethorn
Honeydew WL 228 - na 369 poss - Willow Withies 3219
Caron Wildflowers
Burnt Toast WF 062 - DMC na - HDF Burnished Bronze Premium (it's not in the catalog, but ask for it, it is available.)
Cedar WF 136 - DMC 3861 poss - HDF Wattle & Daub Premium
Purple Night Sky GLO 025 - DMC 820 - HDF Deep Purple
Winter Brook GLO 071 - DMC na - HDF Examplar Salty Sea
Delphinium GLO 085 - HDF Alpine
Elizabethan Green GLO 117 - DMC 934 poss - HDF Examplar Spinach Delight
Crimson GLO 149 - DMC 321 poss - HDF Gandy Dancer 1141
Sage GLO 150 - DMC 926 poss - HDF Mountain Shadow
Coffee Bean GLO 166 - DMC 838 poss - HDF Jackalope 5271
Leaf Green GLO 200 - DMC 906 poss - HDF Wrasse 3315
Chocolat GLO 208 - DMC 801 poss - HDF Kodiak Bear 5137
Gloriana Florimel
Schoolhouse Red GLO Flo 162 - DMC 498 Poss - HDF OMG Red 1145
Peacock Blue GLO Flo 192 - DMC na - HDF Indigo Ocean
Olivine GLO Flo 206 - DMC 936 poss - HDF Imperial Green 3335
Dinky Dyes silk
Raspberry Ripple DD 01 - DMC 603 poss - HDF Phlox 1337
Swan Valley DD 69 - DMC 501 poss - HDF Jewelweed 3167
Mystic Pools DD 105 - DMC 333 poss - HDF Lilac Mist 2143
Gidgee DD 142 - DMC 166 poss - HDF Qing Ding 3417
Nashi DD 168 - DMC 165 poss - HDF Qing Ding 3413
Gentle Art "Simply Wool"
Cidermill Brown - DMC 3045 - HDF Oil of Amber 4115 Premium? I'll have to wait and see how this one is actually used to see if I'll keep it or order the original. I just converted using the color not the look.
Chatelaine's Spring Knotgarden
I left all the DMC alone.
Sea Moss WL 128 - Steelies 2447
Frangipani WL 187 - Attar of Roses 1221
Iris WL 209 - Dark Wisteria
Edmar Rayon Iris
IR 311 - Dragon Claw
Thread Gatherer Silk 'n Colors
Dark Forest SNC 089 -Old Maid of the Forest
Golden Pines SNC 181 - Befrogged (I happened to have a little golden pines, this is really close)
Young Asparagus SNC 251 - Victorian Mint
Marsh Grasses SNC 252 - Cactus (this is an old color that is no longer available. It was a custom color (3165/3151 thru the mini forum at HDF)
Winter Brook GLO 071 - Examplar Salty Sea
Thread Gatherer Silk Perle
Meadowgrass SP 10 975 - Underbelly (premium silk)
Dinky Dye Silk perle
Mint Ice DD P 008 - Mermaid Blue 2309 (Premium silk)
Dinky Dyes Silk
Lemon Sherbet DD 12 - Lt. French Artichoke
Part 1: I changed the color I originally chose to replace the Frangipani to Attar of Roses 1227. The Attar of Roses 1221 just didn't show up on my white fabric.
Part 5: I outlined the "leafy plants in the meadow" with one ply of Old Maid of the Forest instead of the Dragon Claw. It just popped better
Chatelaine's Summer Knotgarden
DMC was left as charted
Peach Melba WL021 - Hibiscus
Silk 'N Colors
Tapestry Green SNC 054 - Jewelweed 3169
Camoflage SNC 055 - Primordial Ooze
Pond Scum SNC 110 - Qing Ding 3417
Wood Pond GLO 049 - Plumage
Dinky Dyes
Valley Mist DD 80 - Orb
Gloriana Florimel
Monet's Pond GLO Flo 079 - Caribbean Eve
Thread Gatherer Silken Pearl
Spearmint SP 10 103 - Gloss Green 3121 (Premium weight)
Dinky Dyes Silk Perle
1000d Sea Grass DD P 136 - Imperial Green 3337 (Premium weight)
Anchor Marlitt
Turquoise vy lt 1052 - Quiet Green 3101
The Chinese Dragon
Blackforest WL 063 - Begrimed
Fresh Pink WL 117 - Pink Pearls 1211
Eterna mini twist
ET 0450 - Gold Rush 4231
ET 0500 - Zinnia 4237
ET 0530 - Tangerine 4309
ET 1820 - OMG Red 1147
ET 1920 - OMG Red 1151
ET 4220 - Popinjay 3309
ET 4260 - Wrasse 3315
Tropical Sea GLO 019 - Deap Ocean
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Zaffre Cobalt
Purple Night Sky GLO 025 - Deep Purple
Holly Berry GLO 121 - OMG Red 1141
Crimson GLO 149 - Gandy Dancer 1113
Winter Brook GLO 071 - Ex. Salty Sea
Gloriana Florimel
Halloween Green GLO Flo 097 - Wrasse 3313
Schoolhouse Red GLO Flo 162 - OMG Red 1149
Copper GLO Flo 193 - Ex. Dried Roses
Leaf Green GLO Flo 200 - Wrasse 3317
Dinky Dyes
Argyle DD 60 - Phlox 1333
Edmar Rayon
IR 206 - Black 5300
Persian Iris Garden
The NPI that have good DMC conversions, I am converting to the DMC, the turquoise colors are staying NPI. The DMC charted is remaining DMC
NPI Northern Lights
Soft Pansy 016 - Lilac Mist 2139
Blueberry 024 - Alpine
Spanish Moss 048 - Luteous Green 3249
Thread Gatherer Silk Perle
Green Leaves light 10 073 - Jewelweed 3161 (premium weight)
Dinky Dyes
Sydney Harbour 078 - Caribbean Eve
Honeydew 228 - Luteous green 3251
Oasis 229 - Deep Ocea
African Violet 232 - Velvet Midnight
Autumn Knotgarden
DMC remains as charted
Honeydew WL 228 - Luteous Green 3249
Blackforest WL 063 - Begrimed
Olive WL 106 - Willow Withies 3223
Green Tea WL 180 - Guilded Cage
Silk 'n Colors
Gingersnap SNC 172 - Ochre 4407
English Ironstone SNC 176 - Belaced
Meadowgrass SNC 975 - Underbelly
Rye Grass SNC 1005 - Penny Wort 3443
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Zaffre Cobalt
Copper GLO 193 - Everlasting
Gloriana Florimel
Olivine GLO Flo 206 - Imperial Green 3337
Dinky Dyes
Valley Mist DD 80 - Orb
Edmar Rayon
IR 206 - Black 5300
The Art Nouveau Sampler
Gloriana Florimel
Spanish Moss GLO Flo 048 - Seawrack 3431
Sierra Haze GLO Flo 072A - Orb - The name and number of this one don't match. I went with the ssumption that this was Sierra Haze lt which converted to Orb
Sage GLO 150 - Mountain Shadow
Silk 'n colors
Camouflage SNC 055 - Primordial Ooze
Dark Forest SNC 089 - Old Maid of the Forest
Alpine Grasses SNC 185 - Victorian Mint
Fir WL 112 - Jewelweed 3163
Dinky Dyes
Sea Grass DD 136 - Ex. Fried Pickles
The Hummingbird Mandala
DMC as charted
Gloriana Florimel
Sierra Haze GLO Flo 072A - Flannel Dark (Name and color number do not match here, if it is Sierra Haze then convert to Mountain Shadow, if Sierra Haze lt, then convert to orb)
Deep Blue Sea GLO 017 - Indigo Ocean
Tropical Sea GLO 019 - Deep Ocean4-+
Lavender Ice GLO 132 - Lilac Mist 2131
Silk 'n Color
Honeyed Turpuoise SNC 070 - Earth Dragon
Dark Forest SNC 089 - Old Maid of the Forest
Ice WL 044 - Magpie Tears 2341
Crystal Bay WL 127 - Steelies 2447
Guacamole WL 206 - Vetch Green 3235
Ash WL 218 - Pussy Willow
Dinky Dyes
Lemon Mint DD 15 - Elephant Ears
Blue Mountains DD 77 - Orb
Hawaii Garden Mandala
DMC as charted
NPI converted to DMC
Silk N Colors
Periwinkle Blue SNC 022 - Etheral Blue 2301
Chartreuse SNC 045 - Qing Ding 3415
Camouflage SNC 055 - Spinach Delight
Green Leaves Lt. SNC 073 - Jewel Weed 3161
Dark Forest SNC 089 - Willow Withies 3229
Lavendar Haze SNC 106 - Nose gay 2103
Pond Scum SNC 110 - Umbrage 3465
Vintage Violets SNC 140 - Acts of Violets
Dragon's Breath SNC 148 - Tart Knickers 1121
Gingersnap SNC 172 - Ochre 4405
Straw into Gold SNC 175 - Liquid Gold 4175
Simply Strawberry SNC 177 - Gandy Tango
Emerald Isle SNC 995 - Isle Green 3211
Thread Gatherer Silk Perle
Forest of Greens SP 10 025 - Dragon Opal (Premium weight)
Dinky Dyes
Gum Leaves DD 20 - Jewel Weed 3165
Midnight DD 66 - Mermade Blue 2327
Burnt Toast WL 062 - Ex. Firethorn
Blackforest WL 063 - Old Maid of the Forest
Jade WL 066 - Willow Withies 3225
Celadon WL 067 - Willow Withies 3221
Crystal Bay WL 127 - Steelies 2447
Peach Cobbler WL 202 - Attar of Roses 1221
Cardinal WL 219 - Pink Pearls 1217
Aquamarine WL 200 - Quiet Green 3103
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Yonder Blue 2221 or Zaffre Cobalt
Monets Pond GLO 079 - Caribbean Eve
Hydrangea GLO 081 - Mermaid Blue 2309
Forest GLO 087 - Examplar Fried Pickles
Slate Blue GLO 124 - Steelies 2449
Winter Watergarden
DMC (there are a bunch of them!) are left as charted
Café au Lait WL 104 – BeMoiled
Sea Moss WL 128 – Steelies 2449
Shenandoah WL 241 – Deep Ocean
Silk ‘n Colors
Heirloom Blue SNC 049 – Magpie Tears 2347
Weathered Basket SNC 196 – BeLaced
Winter Brook GLO 071 – Salty Sea
Sierra Haze GLO 072 – Ex. Flannel Dark
Sierra Haze Lt. GLO 072A – Orb
Sable GLO 131 – OMOT Soil
Coffee Bean GLO 166 – Jackalope 5271
DD Silk Perle
Ironbark DD P 118 – BeSeeded (Premium weight)
Anchor Marlitt
Coffee ultra vy lt 1034 – Kodiak Bear 5121
Caribbean (Mystery XII - 2009)
DMC left as charted
NPI - I converted these to Martina's DMC conversion when I stitched it and loved it but here are the conversions to HDF if you're interested.
NPI 112 - Faded Denium 2231 - 1 micro
NPI 487 - Aquamarine 2439 - 1 micro
NPI 493 - Nile Blue 2421 - 1 micro
NPI 495 - Chrysocolla 2253 - 1 micro
NPI 941 - Gandy Dancer 1101 - 1 micro
NPI 942 - Pink Pearls 1213 - 1 micro
NPI 945 - Attar of Roses 1231 - 1 micro
Gloriana stranded silk
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Zaffre Cobalt - 2 micros
Blue Grass GLO 050 - Examplar Moon Called Sea 1 micro
Gloriana Luminescence (use premium weight)
Laura's Garden GLO 084 - Pastel Rainbow - 1 micro
Deep Blue Sea GLO 017 - Indigo Ocean - 1 micro
Thread Gatherer Silk 'n Colors
Emerald Isle SNC 995 - Gloss Green 3127 - 2 micros
Thread Gatherer Silk Perle (use premium weight)
Granite SP 10 066 - Examplar August (not in catalog, but available, just ask for it!) - 1 micro
Caron Waterlilies
Cocoa 099 - Examplar Kindling - 1 micro
Frangipani 187 - Attar of Roses 1221 - 2 micros
Gingersnap 189 - Fagales 4461 - 1 micro
South Pacific 194 - BeWrayed - 2 micros
Bermuda Reef 207 - Deep Ocean - 3 micros
Honeydew 228 - Luteous Green 3249 - 1 micro
Samplar Threads (Gentle Art)
Poppy - Attar of Roses 1229 - 1 micro
Spring Grass - Popinjay 3303 - 1 micro
Dinky Dyes
Ironbark DD118 - Beseeded - 1 micro
NPI - These will probably be converted to DMC except for the colors without a good conversion. Those I will purchase from the Michigan Thread Doctor
Thread Gatherer Silk 'n colors
Pondscum SNC 110 - Umbrage 3465
Vintage Violets SNC 140 - Acts of Violets
Coastal Seeweeds SNC 188 - Kail Slaw
Thread Gatherer Silk Perle (Premium weight)
Vintage Browns SP 10 012 - Orchid Smoke 5115
Forest of Greens SP 10 025 - Dragon Opal
Dinky Dyes Silk
Pearl DD061 - I bought this one
Seafoam 029 - Nile Blue 2419
Olive 106 - Mooncreep 3147
Sable 196 - BeSeeded
Bermuda Reef 207 - BeWrayed
Bordeaux 216 - BeWhined
Glacier 233 - Nile Blue 2421
Deep Blue Sea 017 - Indigo Ocean
Green Gables 120 - Victorian Mint
Cinnamon 151 - Larks Tongue
Rajasthan Lotus Pond
DMC left as charted
Tropical Sea GLO 019 - Quiet Green 3101
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Zaffre Cobalt
Peacock Blue GLO 192 -
Thread Gatherer Silk 'n Colors
Camoflage SNC 055 - Fried Pickles or Primordial Ooze
Emerald WL 065 - Isle Green 3215
Olive WL 106 - Willow Withies 3223
Honeydew WL 228 - Luteous Green 3249
Butterfly Lace Mandala
ALL the DMC as charted (there is a lot of it)
Caron Waterlilies
Cucumber WL 211 - Ex. Miligrubs
Seaglass WL 226 - Bewrayed
Olive Grove WL 244 - Dragon Tongue
Deep Blue Sea GLO 017 - Indigo Ocean
Midnight GLO 093 - Motes of Night
Olive Grove GLO 116 - PB Olive
Shirley Green GLO 159 - Kail Slaw
Dinky Dyes
Coral Sea DD11 - Besmurfed
Coolibah DD 53 - Jadeite 2461
Ocean Pines DD 68 - Aquamarine 2439
Ocean Grove DD 76 - Carribbean Eve
Gidgee DD 142 - Seawrack 3433
Claremont DD 157 - Lilac MIst 2143
Nashi DD 168 - Luteous 3251
Edmar Rayon Thread
IR 149 - Aquamarine 2433
IR 151 - Vetch Green 3233
2011 Mystery Deep Blue Sea
DMC - left as charted
Deep Blue Sea GLO 017 - Indigo Ocean
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Zaffre Cobalt
Blue Grass GLO 050 - Ex. Moon Called Sea
Sierra Haze lt. GLO 072A - Orb
Cottage Woods lt GLO 073A 0 Underbelly
Blue Hawaii GLO 078 - Chrysocolla 2255
Monets Pond GLO 079 - Caribbean Eve
Baby Corn GLO 129 - Haystacks
Old Gold GLO 169 - Primitive Barn Straw
Gloriana PPP Perle
Topiary PPP 115 - Examplar August (premium weight) (this isn't in the catalog. order something else and put in comments that you want the Ex. August!)
Dinky Dyes
Mint Ice DD 08 - Aquamarine 2433
Aquamarine DD 43 - Aquamarine 2435
Cobar DD 113 - Cerveza 4145
Shark Bay DD 134 - Yonder Blue 2215
Dandenong DD 135 - Kail 3365
Sea Grass DD 136 - Imperial Green 3339
Blue Groper DD 163 - OMOT Tempest
Stringy Bark DD 191 - OMOT Soil
DD Dyes Silk Perle 600D
Blue Ice DD 183 - Aquamarine 2431 (premium weight)
Gidgee DD 142 - Sea Wrack 3433 (premium weight)
Caron Waterlilies
Tobacco WL 036 - Dragon Breath?
Jade WL 066 - custom dye job
Bermuda Reef WL 207 - Deep Ocean
Honeydew WL 228 - Luteous Green 3251
Pesto WL 243 - PB Olive
Primrose WL 248 - Winterberried
Swan Lake
DMC - left as charted
Purple Night Sky GLO 025 - Deep Purple
Rosebud Green GLO 137A - Isle Green
Sage GLO 150 - Mountain Shadow
Blythe Green GLO 160 - Willow Withies 3223
French Blue GLO 176 - Etheral Ice
Gloriana PP Perle
Autumn Gold PPP 041 - Marques Des Cercles (premium weight)
Thread Gatherer Silk n Colors
Dark Forest SNC 089 - Old Maid of the Forest
Pond Scum SNC 110 - Qing Ding 3417
Bleu Sage SNC 122 - Ex. Moon Called Sea
Tattered Parchment SNC 246 - Lt. French Artichoke (French Artichoke would also work well, I think)
Washed Out Grape SNC 268 - Rockpile 5105
Caron Waterlilies
Sea Moss WL 128 - Steelies 2447
Frangipani WL 187 - Attar of Roses 1221
Ice Lavender WL 193 - Ultra Violet 2117
Iris WL 209 - Dragon Claw
Caron Waterlilies:
Fraises du Bois WL 190 - Winterberried
Aquamarine WL 200 - Mint Creme
Caron Wildflowers
Spice WF 123 - Brass Tacks 3453 (premium)
Caron Impressions
Fiesta IMP 010 - Dragon Breath II (premium)
Teal Twilight GLO 018 - Indigo Ocean
Purple NIght Sky GLO 025 - Deep Purple
Blue Grass GLO 050 - Ex. Moon Called Sea
Rain Forest GLO 067 - Earth Dragon
Hydrangea GLO 081 - Yonder Blue 2221
Midnight GLO 093 - Motes of Night
Elizabethan Green GLO 093 - Ex. Spinach Delight
Old Gold GLO 169 - PB Straw
Chocolat GLO 208 - Kodiak Bear 5139
Dinky Dyes silk
Lemon Lime DD 15 - Lemon Creme
Kakadu DD 51 - Willow Withies 3225
Gidgee DD 142 - Qing Ding 3417
Pindi DD 162 - Luteous Green 3255
Jungle Green DD 194 - Dragon Opal
Camo Green DD196 - BeLeaved
Lemon Grass DD 197 - Underbelly
Marigold DD 198 - BeGuilted
Dinky Dyes Perle
Ironbark DD P 118 - BeSeeded (premium)
Gidgee DD P 142 - Qing Ding 3417 (premium)
Gloriana Princess Perle
Apricot Grove PP 076 - Amber Waves (premium)
Gloriana Luminescence
Peacock GLO Lum 191 - Dragon Hoard or Pastel Rainbow (premium)
Gloriana Florimell GLO Flo 114 - Dragon Fire
Anniversary Sleeping Beauty Castle (this is coverted with a lot of help of Vikki at HDF. Thanks Vikki)
Caron Waterlilies
Peach Melba WL 021 - Tugtika
Winter Wheat WL 138 - Hearthstone
Tiramisu WL 224 - BeLaced
Pesto WL 243 - PB Olive
Caron Wildflowers
Blackforest 063 - Kindling Premium
Dinky Dyes
Swan Valley DD 69 - Ex. Spinach Delight
Sea Grass DD136 - Imperial Green 3339
Jungle Green DD194 - Dragon Opal
Lemon Grass DD197 - Underbelly
Olive Grove GLO116 - Ex. Milligrubs
Cobblestone GLO 126 - WAttle & Daub
Fawn GLO 199 - Jackalope 5263
Chocolat GLO 208 - Kodiak BEar 5137
Gloriana PPP
Cottage Woods PPP073 - Yawning Mountain Premium
Spring Watergarden
Crystal Bay WL 127 - Mermaid Blue 2309
Copper WL 137 - PB Rust
Orchid WL185 - Dark Wisteria
Glacier WL 233 - Woad Blue 2405
Pesto WL 243 - PB Olive
Dinky Dyes
Lemon Mint DD16 - Elephant Ears
Salt Bush DD88 - French Artichoke
Turquoise DD 107 - Ocean Breeze
Binda DD108 - Hemlock 31110
Marigold DD198 - BeGuilted
Blythe Green GLO160 - Vetch Green 3237
Tulip Festival GLO 180 - Russian Sage
Fawn GLO 199 - Jackalope 5265
Leaf Green GLO200 - Wrasse 3317
Gloriana Flomiell
Peacock Blue GLO Flo 192 - Indigo Ocean
Gloriana PPP
Cottage Woods - Yawning Mountain - Premium
Gardens of Paris Online 84
DMC - left as charted
Caron Waterlilies
Ice WL 044 - Mermaid Blue 2311
Celadon WL 067 - Luteous Green 3251 (this is from the solid. It's a tough one, maybe Knucker or Victorian Mint. It's a green and grey varigate)
Cucumber WL 211 - BeLeaved
Autumn Gold GLO 041 - Marque Des Cercles
Wood Pond GLO 049 - Plumage
Desert Rose GLO 106 - Winterberry 1423
Olive Grove GLO 116 - Primitive Barn Olive
Cobblestone GLO 126 - Examplar Wattle & Daub
Delicate Teal GLO 195 - Aquamarine 2431
Dinky Dyes (these seem to be fairly solid, converted from the DMCs listed)
Strawberry Ice DD 04 - Attar of Roses 1221
Ruby DD 25 - Venus' Mirror 1309
Kakadu DD 51 - Stelies 2449
Coolibah DD 53 - Jadeite 2463
Aussie Gold DD 62 - Yellow Spice 4161
Swan Valley DD 69 - Kail 3365
Gidgee DD 142 - Sea Wrack 3433
Lost Gold DD 143 - Cerveza 4143
Cottesloe DD 154 - Haywains 4127
Nashi DD 168 - Kailslaw
Gloriana PPP
Autumn Gold PPP 041 - Marque Des Cercles (premium weight)
Les Roses de Paris Online 83
DMC as charted
Caron Waterlilies
Celery WL 242 - Mint Creme?
Jacaranda GLO 011 0 Ex. Kindling
Alpine Taupe GLO 105A - Ex. PussyWillow
Elizabethan Green GLO 117 - Ex. Spinach Delight
Sage GLO 150 - Mountain Shadow
Dinky Dyes
Lavender Mist DD 03 - Ultra Violet 2117
Lemon Lime DD 15 - Lemon Creme
Merlot DD 36 - BeWhined
Cottesloe DD 154 - Haywains 4127
Spearmint DD 155 - Kailslaw?
Pindi DD 162 - Beleaved
Evergreen DD 189 - Jewelweed 3169
Northern Lights silk
Magenta SL 070 - Dragon Blood?
Octopus Treasure Cave
Celadon WL 067 - Victorian Mint?
Cedar WL 136 - Wattle & Daub
Glacier WL 233 - Faded Denim 2231
Jewel Turquoise GLO 020 - Nile Blue 2423 or Ocean Breeze
Blue Hawaii GLO 078 - Chrysocolla 2255
Red Clay GLO 114 - Ex. Fire Thorn
Peacock Blue GLO 192 - Indigo Ocean or Dragon Hoard
Gloriana PPP Perle (premium HDF)
Monet's Pond PPP 079 - Caribbean Eve
Cinnamom PPP 151 - Terra Potta 4321 or Terra Firma
Dinky Dyes
Nullarbor DD 29 - Haywains 4129
Violet DD 110 - Lilac Mist 2139
Pindi DD 162 - Luteous 3255 or Beleaved
Jungle Green DD 194 - Steelies 2455?
Gidgee DD 142 - Seawrack 3433
Polar Mandala
Pebbles WL 011 - custom (1303/2345/5317)
Seaglass WL 226 - custom (twisted aqua)
Azure Skies WL 230 - custom (Jazz Blue)
Impressions IMP 083 - Old Maid of The Forest - premium
Dinky Dyes
Lavender Mist DD 03 - Nosegay 2103
Coral Sea DD 11 - Ocean Breeze
Aquamarine DD 43 - Woad Blue 2405
Ocean Pines DD 68 - Aquamarine 2439
Ghost Gum DD 70 - custom (Twisted Steel)
Valley Mist DD 80 - Orb
Silver DD 98 - custom (Ice Dragon)
Nashi DD 168 - Imperial Green 3325
Dinky Dyes silk Perle
Persian Jade DD P 174 - Old Maid of the Tempest premium or Old Maid of the Sea premium
Purple Night Sky Glo 025 - Deep Purple
French Blue Glo 176 - Ethereal Blue 2305
Gloriana Florimel
Lavender Ice Glo Flo 132 - Lilac Mist 2131
Pac Blue dk Glo Flo 173 - Motes of Night
Glorinana Lum
Twilight Blue 118 - Ethereal Ice premium
Gloriana Princess Perle Petit
Autumn Gold PPP 041 - Marques des Cerques premium
Cottage Woods PPP 073 - Yawning Mountain premium
Cinnamom PPP 151 - Ex. Larks Tongue premium
Polar Mandala
This is my start. Sadly it's just DMC and some PTB so far.
Pebbles WL 011 - custom (1303/2345/5317)
Seaglass WL 226 - custom (twisted aqua)
Azure Skies WL 230 - custom (Jazz Blue)
Impressions IMP 083 - Old Maid of The Forest - premium
Dinky Dyes
Lavender Mist DD 03 - Nosegay 2103
Coral Sea DD 11 - Ocean Breeze
Aquamarine DD 43 - Woad Blue 2405
Ocean Pines DD 68 - Aquamarine 2439
Ghost Gum DD 70 - custom (Twisted Steel)
Valley Mist DD 80 - Orb
Silver DD 98 - custom (Ice Dragon)
Nashi DD 168 - Imperial Green 3325
Dinky Dyes silk Perle
Persian Jade DD P 174 - Old Maid of the Tempest premium or Old Maid of the Sea premium
Purple Night Sky Glo 025 - Deep Purple
French Blue Glo 176 - Ethereal Blue 2305
Gloriana Florimel
Lavender Ice Glo Flo 132 - Lilac Mist 2131
Pac Blue dk Glo Flo 173 - Motes of Night
Glorinana Lum
Twilight Blue 118 - Ethereal Ice premium
Gloriana Princess Perle Petit
Autumn Gold PPP 041 - Marques des Cerques premium
Cottage Woods PPP 073 - Yawning Mountain premium
Cinnamom PPP 151 - Ex. Larks Tongue premium
The Pomarium Mandala:
DMC left as charted
Caron Waterlilies Silk
Emerald WL 065/na 700 - Popinjay 3309
Jade WL 066/na 505 - LE 2467/3139/3305
Celadon WL 067/na 3348 - LE Irish Moss
Antique Brass WL 085/na 3052 - Ex. Guilded Cage
Flamingo WL 095/na 3708 - OMG Red 1131
Cedar WL 136/na 3861 - Wattle & Daub
Dinky Dyes Silk
Lemon Lime DD 15/165 - Lemon Creme
Ruby DD 25/na3831 - Attar of Roses
Fuchia DD37/na 3608 - Dark Wisteria
Aquamarine DD43/na519 - Woad Blue 2405
Cobar DD 113/782 - Cerveza 4145
Gidgee DD 142/580 - Moss Agate 3421
Nashi DD 168/472 - Imperial Green 3325
Peacock DD 185/3814 - Gloss Green 3125
Matilda DD 201/500 - Jewelweed 3169
Mud Flat DD 203/3371 - Beseeded
Gloriana Silk
Tropical Sea GLO 019/958 - Deep Ocean
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023/820 - Zaffre Cobalt
Spanish Moss GLO 048/732 - Sea Wrack 3431
Rain Forest GLO 067/na - Ex. Salty Sea
Blue Hawaii GLO 078/3844 - Chrysocolla 2255
Elizabethan Green GLO 117/935 - Ex. Spinach Delight
Sable GLO 131/ma642 - Ex. Petty Fog
Holiday Blue GLO 136/na803 - Mermaid Blue 2325
Crimson GLO 149/na 815 - Gandy Dancer 1113
Avonlea Grean GLO 161/na3346 - Luteous Green 3255
Olivine GLO 206/na936 - Imperial Green 3335
Deep Blue Sea GLO 017/3808 - Indigo Ocean
Gloriana Princess Perle Petit
Royal Plum PPP 187/na 154 - Ultra Maroon 1455 Premium
Beaded Peacock Tile
DMC as charted
Caron Waterlilies /HDF
Pesto WL243 / PB Olive
Dinky Dyes Silk Perle / HDF
Turquoise DDP 107 / Ocean Breeze
Gloriana Silk /HDF
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 / Zaffre Cobalt
Dinky Dyes
Valley Mist DD80/na 762 - Orb
Dinky Dyes silk Perle 600d
Natural DD P Natural/3865 - Natural 5201 Premium
Hydrangea GLO 081/na 157 - Yonder Blue 2221
Slate Blue GLO 124/na 931 - Magpie Warbles
Caron Waterlilies
Cedar WL 136/na 3861 - LE Rubbed Aluminum
The Seville Alcazar Mauresque Garden
DMC as charted
Caron Waterlilies
Jade WL 066/na 505 - custom color
Crystal Bay WL 127/na 747 - Steelies 2447
Copper WL 137/na - -PB Rust or PB Copper?
Budding Leaf WL 201/na 912 - Popingjay 3301
Pesto WL 243/734 - PB Olive
Dinky Dyes Silk
Gum Leaves DD 20/503 - Jewelweed 3165
Topaz DD46/na 422 - Grasses
Coolibah DD53/518 - Jadeite 2461
Billabong DD106/825 - Yonder Blue 2213
Cobar DD113 - Cerveza 4145
Dark Chocolate DD141/na898 - Beseeded
Pindi DD162/na 3346 - Beleaved
Dinky Dyes Silk Perle 600d
Blue Iris DD P 161/796 - Yonder Blue 2219 Premium
Edmar Rayon Iris
IR 215 - Imperial Green 3329
Tropical Sea GLO 019/958 - Deep Ocean
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023/820 - Zaffre Cobalt
Rain Forest GLO 067/na - Earth Dragon
Cottage Woods GLO 073/na -Yawning Mountain
Sage GLO 150/na 3768 - Mountain Shadow
Peacock Blue GLO 192/na3848 - Indigo Ocean or Dragon Hoard
Olivine GLO 206/na936 - Imperial Green 3335
Chocolat GLO 208/na 898 - Kodiak Bear 5139
Gloriana Florimell
Leaf Green GLO FLO 200 - Wrasse 3315
Gloriana PPP Perle
Antique Gold PPP 086/782 - Ex. Lily Tutters Premium
Alpine Taupe PPP 105A/na 647 - Rubbed Silver ver2
French Kitchen Garden (Mystery XVI-2013)
DMC are all left as charted
Wood Pond GLO 049 - Plumage
Midnight GLO 093 - Woad 2415
Autumn Arbor GLO 113 - Baneberry
Sable GLO 131 - Ex. Pettyfog
Delicate Teal GLO 195 - Aquamarine 2431
Thistle Patch GLO 213 - Caribbean Reef?
Deep Blue Sea GLO 017 - Indigo Ocean
Spanish Moss GLO 048 - Seawrack 3431
Copper GLO 193 - Terra Potta 4323
Silver Green GLO 210 - Kail Slaw
Olivine GLO 206 - Imperial Green 3335
Dinky Dyes
True Blue DD 104 - Nile Blue 2423
Billabong DD 106 - Yonder Blue 2213
Aussie Dawn DD 144 - Ex. Lilly Tutters
Pindi DD 162 - BeLeaved
Jungle Green DD 194 - OMOT Forest
Choco Cherry DD 199 - LE Choc Covered Cherry
Matilda DD 201 - Imperialosity
Dinky Dyes Silk Perle
Sea Grass DD P 136 - Imperial Green 3339 (Premium)
Gidgee DD P 142 - Moss Agate 3421 (Premium)
Caron Waterlilies
Jade WL 066 - LE Jade
Santa Fe WL 183 - Ex. Dried Roses
Caron Wildflowers
Kelp WF 139 - Country Road ? (Premium)
Granite WF 165 - Primitive Barn Mouse (Premium) or Magpie Twitters (?)
Tinctorium Garden
DMC as charted
Caron Waterlilies Silk
Copper WL 137 - PB Rust
Periwinkle WL 162 -
Budding Leaf WL 201 - Popingjay 3301
Guacamole WL 206 - Vetch Green 3235
Shenandoah WL 241 - Deep Ocean
Pesto WL 243 - PB Olive
Caron Wildflowers
Caramel WF 171 -
Dinky Dyes Silk
Ruby DD 25 - Venus Mirror 1309
Tea Tree DD 41 -
Cottesloe DD 154 - Haywains 4127
Wallaby Grass DD 184 -
Peacock DD 185 - Gloss Green 3125
Hydrangea DD 208 -
Dinky Dyes Silk Perle 600d
Turquoise DD P 107 - Ocean Breeze
Gidgee DD P 142 - Sea Wrack 3433
Persian Jade DD P 174 - OMOT Tempest/OMOT Sea
Edmar Rayon
IR 215 - Imperial Green 3329
Gloriana Flormell Silk
Lavender Ice GLO Flo 132 - Lilac Mist 2131
Gloriana Luminescence Silk
Forest GLO Lum 087 - Ex. Fried Pickles
Gloriana Silk
Velvet Night Sky GLO 023 - Zaffre Cobalt
Spanish Moss GLO 048 - Sea Wrack 3431
Winter Brook GLO 071 - Ex. Salty Sea
Forest GLO 087 - Ex. Fried Pickles
Green Gables GLO 120 - Victorian Mint
Victorian Rose GLO 123 - Winterberry 1419
Blue Heron GLO 145 - Magpie Twitters
Chocolat GLO 208 - Kodiak Bear 5139
Elizabethan Green GLO 117 - Ex. Spinach Delight
Gloriana Petit Perle Princesse
Wood Pond PPP 049 - Plumage
Romantic Rose Garden
WL Jade - WL 066 - LE Jade
WL Periwinkle - WL 162 - Magpie Warbles
WL Honeydew - WL 228 - Luteous Green 3251
Silk N Colors
SNC 089 - Old Maid of the Forest
Lavender Ice - GLO 132 - LE 2343-2449
2012 Raffle Consolation Prize
DMC as charted
Caron Waterlilies
Fir WL112 - DMC 503 - Jewelweed 3163 (DMC conversion used in woven stitches) LE 2465/2155/2319 used everywhere else
Emerald WL 065 - DMC 699 - Popinjay 3311
Purple Night Sky GLO 025 - DMC 820 - Deep Purple
Cinnamon PPP GLO PPP151 - DMC 300 - Ex. Larks Tongue 6SR (I used two strands)
Dinky Dyes
Sea Grass DD 136 - DMC 502 - Jewelweed 3165
Gidgee DD 142 - DMC 581 - Moss Agate 3419
Nashi DD 168 - DMC 733 - Kailslaw
Persian Jade Perle DD P 174 - DMC 500 - Old Maid of the Tempest 6SR, 2 strands. This was mostly used for backstitching. I don't like backstitching with Perle and 2 strands of regular silk gave the same approximate coverage.
5 Little Pumpkins by The Cat's Whiskers Design Studio Pty Ltd
310-Basic Black 5300
318 - Zenops 5319
550 - Ultra Violet 2125
704 - Popinjay 3301
712 - Kodiak Bear 5121
740 - Gold Rush 4233
745 - Gold Rush 4223
919 - Terra Potta 4323
White - Natural 5201
Kreinik #4 5510 - PB14
Medieval Octagon - colorway 1
DMC as charted
Caron Waterlilies
Emerald - WL 065 - Isle Green 3215
Jade - WL 066 - custom
Lemon Meringue - WL 094 - Bemaized
Iris - WL 209 - Dark Wisteria
Honeydew - WL 228 - Willow Withies 3219
Deep Blue Sea - GLO 017 - Indigo Ocean
GLO Laquered Gold - GLO 045 - Examplar Guilded Cage
Alpine Taupe - GLO 105A - Examplar Pussy Willow