Wednesday, January 1, 2025

2024 Review

2024 was a busy year.  I had 45 full coverage page finishes which is huge!   I saw 50233 full x stitches and 153726 tent stitches in 65 projects.  I finished 5 projects, UFO'd 1 and started 12 projects

Not a bad year for Cross Stitch.  I'm excited to see what 2025 brings

 SK Rose On Fire from HAED.  Started 2009
Stitched 2x1 tent on 28 ct
19250 stitches to finish
Goal:  finish
19250 stitches to finish = 1604 per month

SK Rose on Fire is being UFO'd.  It's been around for over 10 years and right now, I have no interest in continuing with it.

Loara Standish started 1/1/13 stitched 1x3 50 ct Kingston with a HDF silk conversion 
Goal:  complete undulating blue border in band 8

Goal met 4/19/24

8/31/24 - added another 537 stitches

11/26/24 added 515 stitches

HAED's Nightshade
started 10/31/13
1x1 full x 28 ct Monaco
Goal: finish
34132 stitches to finish = 2845 stitches/month

January Goal met 1/19/24 - 3023 stitches - 90.43%

April progress - 303 stitches

7/11/24 - 544 stitches added

8/17/24 509 stitches added

9/17/24 520 stitches added

10/21/24 - 496 stitches added and finished.

Love Thy Thread's Loneliness of Autumn started 9/6/14
2x1 tent 28 ct Monaco
94458 stitches to finish
Goal: 1000 tent stitches per month

January progress 342 stitches

February progress 119 stitches

March goal met 3/22/24 total stitches 2148 tent stitches= 1074 full x and 23.04% complete

April goal met 4/16/24 with 1098 tent/549 full x and 23.8%

May goal met 5/18/24 with 1068 tent/534 full x and 24.7%

Page 7 and June goal met 6/12/24 with 1112 tent/556 full x stitches, now 25.63% complete

July goal met 7/10/24 with 1020 tent/510 full x, now 26.49% complete.

August Goal met 8/12/24 with 1170 tent/540 full x stitches and 27.45% complete

September goal met 9/24/24 with 1058 tent stitches/529 full x and 28.34% complete.

I've bumped my stitch goal up here to 5000 tent stitches per month for the last quarter of 2024.

10/26/24 - page 8 - 30.44% complete

10/30/24 October goal met with 5128 tent/2564 full x stitches and 32.66% complete

11/13/24 - Page 9 and 34.7% complete

November goal met 11/17/24 with 5028 tent/ 2414 full x stitches and 36.89% complete.

12/24/24 - page 10 and 38.79% complete

12/29/24 - pages 11 and 12 and 42.79% complete with 7012 tent/ 3506 full x

Eclectic Bloke Designs Warrior Alice started 5/10/15
2x1 tent 28 ct Monaco
101568 stitches to finish
Goal:  1000 tent stitches per month

January goal met 1/12/24 1066 tent/533 full x - 32.55%

Page 13 - 2/16/24 - 32.81% complete

February goal met 2/18/24
1040 tent/520 full x = 33.25% complete

March goal met 3/20/24
1126 tent/563 full x = 34.00% complete

April goal met 4/11/24 and page 14 complete
1404 tent/702 full x = 34.94% complete

May goal met 5/13/24 with 1220 tent/610 full x = 35.76% complete

June goal met with 1330 tent/665 full x = 36.65% complete

7/8/24 page 15 and 37.12% complete

July goal met 7/9/24 with 1278 tent/639 full x = 37.51% complete

August Goal met with 1130 tent/565 full x stitches and 38.27% complete

September goal met with 1410 tent/705 full x stitches and 39.22% complete

I've bumped my stitch goal up here to 5000 tent stitches per month for the last quarter of 2024.

10/15/24 - page 17 and 41.65% complete

10/17/24 - 5342 tent/2671 full x stitches and 42.8% complete

11/4/24 - page 18 and 43.6% complete

11/10/24 - November goal met with pages 19 complete, 5764 tent/2882 full x stitches and 46.67% complete

12/10/24 - page 20 and 49.35 % complete

12/13/24 - December goal met with 5114 tent/2557 full x stitches and 50.1% complete.

Started 6/1/15
HAED's Her Private Garden
2x1 tent 28 ct Monaco
364939 stitches to finish
Goal:  add 1000 tent stitches

Goal met 3/24/24
1198 tent stitches =599 full x - 2.83% complete

8/27/24 - 1180 tent/ 590 full x stitches added, 3.14% complete

Chatelaine's The Heritage Sampler
started 7/25/15
2x2 28 ct Monaco
Goal:  Add 500 stitches

February 2024 progress 234 stitches

3/29/24 - goal met with 292 additional stitches

8/31/24 - added another 501 stitches

HAED's SS Daybreak
started 10/31/15
2x1 tent 28 ct Monaco
736353 stitches to finish
Goal:  add 1000 tent stitches

Goal met 2/23/24 with 1098 tent stitches = 549 full x

8/29/24 - added additional 1028 tent/ 512 full x stitches,  now 1.87% complete

Sea Witch by HAED
started 1/1/16
2x1 tent 28 ct Monaco
198973 stitches to finish
Goal:  add 1000 tent stitches per month

January goal met 1/22/24 with 1134 stitches and 31.31% complete

February goal met 2/19/24 with 1158 tent stitches and 31.71% complete

March goal met 3/18/24 with 1160 tent stitches and 32.11% complete

April goal met 4/12/24 with 1210 tent stitches and 32.53% complete.

May goal met 5/16/24 with 1074 tent stitches and 32.9% complete.

June goal met with 1156 tent/ 578 full x stitches,  33.31%complete

July goal met with 1314 tent/657 full x stitches.  33.76% complete.

August goal met and page 13 complete with 1032 tent/516 full x stitches and 34.12% complete

September goal met 9/21/24 with 1056 tent/528 full x stitches, 34.49% complete

October goal met with 1026 tent/ 513 full x stitches, 34.84% complete

November goal met with 1078 tent/539 full x stitches, 35.22% complete.

December goal met with 1106 tent/553 full x stitches and 35.6% complete.

Chatelaine's Hawaiian Garden Mandala
stitched on 28ct black Monaco with my HDF conversion
started 7/31/16
Goal:  Add 500 stitches

Goal met 4/20/24 with 659 stitches
8/28/24 additional 567 stitches.

Tilton's Feathers in the Wind
started 10/1/16 on 28ct white monaco
108172 stitches to finish
Goal:  add 1000 tent stitches

Goal met 4/23/24 with 1204 tent /602 full x stitches,  now at 16.27% complete

8/28/24 - added 1186 tent / 593 full cross stitches, now 17.2% complete

Started 1/1/17
The Forgotten by Charting Creations
2x1 tent 28 ct Monaco
105494 stitches to finish
Goal: add 1000 tent stitches

Goal met 4/17/24 with 1012 tent stitches/506 full x, now at 13.31% complete

9/28/24 1026 tent/513 full x stitches added, 14.16% complete 

Started 1/1/17
He Came With the Rain by Unconventional XStitch
2x1 tent 28 ct Monaco dyed by me
54688 stitches to finish
Goal:  finish
54688 stitches to finish = 4557 tent stitches per month

Page 10 - 1/8/24 - 3312 tent/1656 full x - 37.35% complete

Page 11 - 1/9/24 - 39.24% complete

January goal met 1/10/24 - 5056 tent/2528 full x - 39.47% complete

Page 12 - 2/10/24 - 41.06% complete 

Page 13 - 2/12/24 - 43.05% complete

February Goal met - page 14 - 46.03% complete

Page 15 - 3/10/24 - 48.99% complete

Page 16 - 3/13/23 - 50.8% complete

March goal met - 3/14/24, 4674 tent stitches = 2337 full cross, 51.73% complete

Page 17 - 4/4/24 - 55.13% complete

4/9/24 Page 18 and April goal met 5378 tent/2689 full x, 58.29% complete

5/5/24 page 19 and 60.95% complete

5/9/24 page 20 and May goal complete,  now 64.52% complete

6/5/24 page 21 and 68.76% complete 

6/8/24 page 22 and June Goal complete and 71.48% complete, 5704 tent/2862 full x

7/4/24 page 23 and 74.83% complete 

7/6/24 page 24 and 76.4% complete

7/7/24 July Goal met with 5032 tent/ 2516 full x stitches and 77.61% complete.

8/7/24 pages 25 and 33, 80.94% complete

8/10/24 August Goal met with pages 26 and 34 completed, 83.88% complete

9/7/24 - Pages 27 and 35, 87.28% complete

9/9/24 - Pages 28 and 36, 90.15% complete

9/11/24 - September goal met with pages 29 and 37, 92.49% complete with 7060 tent/3530 full x stitches added.

10/8/24 - pages 30 and 38, 95.54% complete

10/10/24 - pages 31 and 39, 99.04% complete

10/11/24 - finish!

Chatelaine's Blue Moroccan Lace Mandala
stitched on 28 ct monaco in Raspberry Beret from Colour Cascades with my HDF conversion
Started 7/5/17
Goal:  Add 500 stitches

Goal met 6/24/24 with 521 stitches

Chatelaine's Polar Mandala
started 1/1/18 with my HDF conversion for the silks
28 ct white monaco
Goal:  add 1000 stitches

Goal met 5/30/24 with 1001 stitches. 

8/26/24 added another 586 stitches

Renato Parolin's The Bengtsson forest 
Started 9/1/18
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 5/19/24 with 927 stitches 

8/30/29 added another 587 stitches

Chatelaine's Evening in the Park
started 1/1/19
32ct Belfast in Cobblestone in called for fibers
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 5/21/24 with 506 stitches.

Game of Swannes - Long Dog Samplers
2x1 on 36 ct Putty from Silkweavers with a conversion from my stash
started 7/7/19
Goal:  add 500 stitches 

Goal met 6/28/24 with 503 stitches

Louisa Coulimore from Hands Across the Sea
1x2 on 46ct Egyptian Sand from Silkweavers
HDF superfine OMOT Heart
started 7/15/19
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 2/5/24 with 719 stitches 

9/30/24 - added 92 stitches

11/18/24 - added 446 stitches

Death By Cross Stitch by Long Dog Samplers
1x2 on 36ct Legacy Linen in Examplar in HDF Besmurfed with more blues to be added
started 7/17/19
Goal:  add 1000 stitches

Goal met 4/27/24 with 1190 stitches

Celtic Snow from Northern Expressions Needlework
2x1 on 36ct Midnight Sky from XJuDesign with charted silks
started 7/18/19
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 6/30/24 with 545 stitches

Chatelaine's Convent Herbal Garden
on 28 ct Monaco I dyed
started 7/20/19
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 5/27/24 with 540 stitches

Autumn Quakers from Rosewood Manor
on 40ct Toffee from Silkweavers
started 8/17/19
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 7/18/24 with 519 stitches

M. Woods 1759 from Milady's Needle
on 46ct from xJuDesign with a custom HDF conversion
started 10/6/19
Goal:  add 500 stitches

February progress 2/20/24 with 232 stitches

Goal met 4/25/24 with 602 total stitches

9/29/24 - 912 stitches added

Sarah Brezier - Hands Across the Sea
2x1 with DMC on 46ct custom dyed fabric from xJuDesign
started 1/1/20
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 4/14/24 with 556 stitches

Jane Fiddes 1835
stitched on 46 ct Lambswool from xJudesign with called for 100.3 silks
started 7/4/2020
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 5/22/24 with 509 stitches

Growth Rings from Ink Circles
started 10/15/20 with called for HDF silk on Silkweaver's 40 ct French Vanilla Swirl
Goal:  add 500 stitches 

Goal met 5/24/24 with 896 stitches

10/22/24 546 more stitches

Ann Bowers from The Examplarery
stitched using the cotton kit on 35ct
Started 10/27/20
Goal:  add 500 stitches 

Goal met 7/22/24 with 540 stitches

Anna Sophia Bircham 1871 from Hands Across the Sea on Silkweaver's 46ct Solo with HDF conversion 
Started 12/31/20
Goal:  Add 500 stitches

Goal met 2/19/24 with 509 stitches

Cider Dragon from Paine Free Crafts
stitched on 28ct Monaco dyed by me
Started 1/9/21
86074 stitches to finish
Goal:  add 1000 tent stitches

Goal met 6/1/24 with 1062 tent/531 full x, now 10.04% complete

Come into my Garden by Blackbird Designs
40ct Grandpa's Sleeve by xJUDesigns with charted cotton
started 5/23/21
Goal:  add 500 stitches 

Goal met 4/14/24 with 580 stitches

Sarah Redfearn 1826 from The Scarlett House started 10/24/21
stitched on 46ct Little Dove by xJudesigns with called for Belle Soie and Gloriana silks
Goal:  Add 500 stitches  

Goal met 3/30/24 with 617 stitches 

Ann Tong Uffindell 1835 from Hands Across the Sea.  I'm stitching on 46 Vintage Sampler from Victorian Motto with  HDF silk conversion  started 1/1/22
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 3/29/24 with 621 stitches

Margret Croft from Needlework Press on 40ct Weeks Corn Silk with charted overdyed cottons started 5/8/22
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 5/27/24 with 550 stitches

Airships and Floating Castle from Tilton Crafts 2x1 tent on 28ct rose monaco
Started 6/30/22
337122 stitches to finish
Goal:  add 1000 tent stitches

Goal met 3/27/24 with 1018 tent stitches = 509 full x and 3.97% complete

The Castle by Teresa Wentzler 
Started 7/18/22
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 6/30/24 with 528 stitches

11/24/24 - 521 more stitches

Ann Roberts from Hands Across the Seas
46ct with called for 100.3
Started 9/5/22
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 4/24/24 with 528 stitches

12/31/24 added another 516 stitches and frogged and restitched the light blue from the tulip because I didn't like the called for silk.

Sarah Elizabeth Brooke 1842 by The Scarlett House on 40 ct Dusty Road by Seraphim with called for Belle Soie 
Started 9/10/22
Goal:  500 stitches

Goal met 7/25/24 with 538 stitches

Alice Bierton 1885 from Samplers Remembered
stitched on 56 ct Weeks Parchment with AVAS Soie Surfine
started 9/17/22
Goal:  add 500 stitches 

Goal met 4/13/24 with 552 stitches

Pour La Fete by Lindsay Lane Designs on Legacy 53/60 in Sycamore Seed Pod with the Attic conversion to Avas Soie Surfine.
Started 9/28/22
Goal:  add 500 stitches 

Goal met 7/27/24 with 555 stitches

Plague Doctor from Unconventional XStitch on 28 ct monaco I dyed.
Started 10/1/22
356342 stitches to finish
Goal:  add 1000 tent stitches

Goal met: 3/26/24
1150 tent stitches = 575 full x - 1.91% complete

Dragon Lord from Paine Free Crafts on 28 ct monaco I dyed.
Started 10/9/22
118546 stitches to finish
Goal:  add 1000 tent stitches

Goal met 6/27/24 with 1124 tent/562 full x stitches and 8.26% complete

Trick or Treat from Paine Free Crafts on 28 ct Monaco I dyed
Started 10/25/22
118392 stitches to finish
Goal:  add 1000 tent stitches

Goal met 7/28/24 with 1324 tent/662 full x stitches, 7.38% complete

Ann Grimshaw 1818 from The Scarlett Letter on 46ct Up In the Attic from Fox and Rabbit with HDF OMOT Night 
Started 11/8/22
Goal:  add 500 stitches 

Goal met 7/30/24 with 662 stitches

Matilda Isabella Creasy from Whilst Iris Naps on 46ct Mushroom from Silkweavers with called for Weeks Dye Works
Started 11/13/22
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 2/1/24 with 765 stitches

Best Friends Max Color from HAED started 12/17/22, 2x1 tent on 28ct Monaco
301871 stitches to finish
Goal:  add 1000 tent stitches  

Goal met 7/28/24 with 1142 tent/571 full x stitches and 0.71% complete.

11/28/24 - added another 1084 tent/542 full x stitches for 1.07% complete 

Winter Rose Manor by Brenda Gervais started 12/31/22 on 46 ct Weeks Confederate Gray with the HDF conversion 
Goal:  add 500 stitches

Goal met 1/30/24 - 864 stitches 

Jane Charlotte Wynn by The Scarlett House on Weeks 40ct Straw with the called for Weeks overdyed cotton
Started 12/31/22
Goal:  add 500 stitches 

Goal met 7/31/24 with 584 stitches. 

Steamy Blue from Crossstitch4everyone on Etsy
stitched 2x1 tent on 28 ct I dyed
Started 12/31/22
117292 stitches to finish
Goal:  Add 1000 tent stitches

Goal met 8/20/24 with 1102 tent/551 full x stitches and 2.95% complete

Lady of the Flag by Mirabilia
Started 7/4/23 with called for fibers on 30ct Constitution fabric from The Primitive Hare
Goal:  Add 500 stitches

Goal met 8/25/24 with 536 stitches

Serenity Harbor from by The Bay Needleart 
Started 8/11/23 for World Cross Stitch Day
Stitched on 40 ct HDF linen in Pearled Barley
Goal:  Add 500 stitches

Goal met 7/17/24 with 802 stitches

No Place Like Home from Unconventional XStitch
Stitched 2x1 tent on 28ct monaco I dyed
Started 11/1/23
Goal:  Add 1000 tent stitches

Goal met 8/23/24 with 1048 tent/524 full x stitches and 0.8% complete

12/31/24 added another 1086 tent / 543 full x stitches for 0.94% complete

Sarah Rickwood from Running With scissors and Thread on 46ct Prairie Land from Atomic Ranch with called for HDF started 12/26/23 
Goal:  add 500 stitches 

Amended goal:  I've decided I want to try to finish Sarah before the end of the year and add at least 500 stitches per month to reach that goal.

Goal met 6/20/24 with 783 stitches,  now 25.02% complete

Goal met 7/17/24 with 1175 stitches, now 40.78% complete

Goal met 8/19/24 with 568 stitches.

Goal met 9/22/24 with 826 stitches

10/19/24 - 1044 stitches added and 73.47% complete.

11/27/24 added 1084 stitches, 88.01% complete

12/15/24 added 894 stitches to finish.

2024 New Year, New Start
QS Voodoo in Violet from HAED, stitched 2x1 tent on 28 ct monaco dyed by me.
Goal:  1000 tent stitches

1/3/23 progress - goal met 1368 tent stitches

12/29/24 added 1108 tent/ 554 full x stitches

Elizabeth Hall 1809 from The Wishing Thorn
started 2/25/24 on 46ct Baby Sheep from XJudesign with Dyer Need from HDF

February progress

March 2 progress

March 16 progress

March 28 progress

April 28 progress

5/26/24 progress with 699 stitches and approx 47.88% complete

6/18/24 progress with 799 stitches and approx 62.48% complete

7/21/24 progress with 638 stitches 

8/18/24 progress with 529 stitches. 

9/26/24 progress with 718 stitches

10/23/24 finished with 557 stitches

Ms Gothica I from Tilton Crafts started 3/30/24

3/31 - 1232 tent stitches, 1.01% complete

Quaker Tiles Flag (USA) started 7/13/24 on unnamed 46ct Be Stitch Me linen with my conversion to change the red and blue.
7/16/24 - 859 stitches

11/17/24 - 579 stitches - 4.32% complete

Stitch from CherryWood Design Studios started 7/18/24 on 46ct Artiste Bristol linen in ivory with HDF Rubbed Dark Sampler Brown

850 stitches

8/11/24 added 530 stitches

9/16/24 added 501 stitches for a finish

Together We Stand from HAED started 8/1/24 on 28ct Monaco I dyed.  I'm stitching this with a group of stitchy friends and I'll be adding at least 1000 tent stitches every month.

8/2/24 - 1086 tent/543 full x stitches

9/3/24 - 1162 tent/581 full x stitches and 1.05% complete 

10/4/24 - 1038 tent/519 full x stitches, 1.54% complete.

11/3/24 - 1304 tent /652 full x stitches, 2.15% complete

12/2/24 - 1028 tent/514 full x stitches, 2.64% complete

Sarah Sanderson from The Scarlett House started 9/1/24 on 46 ct and all charted colors

9/1/24 - 574 stitches 

Mary Gypson 1828 from Whilst Iris Naps started 9/15/24 started on 46ct and all charted colors on 46ct Thornfield from Needle and Flax

516 stitches added 9/15/24

Summer Moon from Plum Street Samplers started 9/18/24 on 40ct Prairie Grass from Seraphim Fabrics and all charted colors

9/19/24 - added 515 stitches

Our Path of Light from Unconventional XStitch stitched on 28ct Monaco I dyed
started 10/31/24

11/1/24 progress with 152 tent/76 full x stitches and 0.18% complete

I've added stitches and we're now at 1062 tent/ 531 full x stitches and 1.23% complete

Catfish Cthulhu from Unconventional XStitch stitched on 28ct Monaco I dyed
Started 11/3/24

11/3/24 Progress 554 tent/77 full x stitches and 0.48% complete

11/30/24 progress 1084 tent/542 full x total stitches and 0.93% complete

12/27/24 - started Richard's Stocking from Shepherds Bush  on 36ct platinum Edinburgh with mostly the called for #5 perle DMC.

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