Sunday, July 31, 2022


I reached a stopping point on Evening in the Park Wednesday night.

I had originally converted the dark blue in the outer ring to something I didn't likeuch at this point.  After a rummage through my stash I came up either this color which I like very much.

Next, I pulled out SS Daybreak from HAED.  My goal was 1000 stitches.   Since this is stitched in tent stitch, I double that to account for both legs.   I've added 2170 tent or 1085 full x's.

Monday, July 25, 2022


 Chatelaine's Evening in the Park  is still out.  Last week I pulled out the color I had originally converted that dark blue in the outer bit and discovered it was way too light.  So I went on a stash dive and come up HDF Knives Edge which is beautiful here.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


Polar Mandala from Chatelaine made an appearance .  The center is now about 1/4 complete.  The rest should go quicker though since that bottom left corner has a lot of color changes and rest is more blocks of color.

Then I've not been able to settle on something g to stitch.

Ann Bowers has been out and saw a little progress.

I started restitching TW"s The Castle.  I originally stitched those 30ish years ago.  It was framed and hung over my son's crib when it was taken by a tornado.  It's taken almost 20 years for me to decide to restitch.  I didn't get much of a start but its ready when I am.

Finally Chatelaine's Evening in the Park came out and felt pretty good so I hope to continue with it.


Tuesday, July 12, 2022


 On 6/30, I started Airships and Floating Castle from Tilton Crafts.

On 7/10, I finished page 1

And tonight I completed the Tour de France Challenge with Full Coverage Fanatics on Facebook  with 6976 Stent stitches and 1.99% complete.

Saturday, July 2, 2022


 I've struggled to settle down with a project so I've visited a couple.

Dairy Darlin got some love and I should be able to finish it next time it's out.

Game of Swannes from Ling Dog was next.  I was in a roll until I got to the bit under the vase.  Since I pulled these colors from stash, the color I chose here wasn't doing it.  So away it went for a bit.

Next is a planned start of Airships and Floating Castles (OOP) from Tilton Crafts on 28ct rose monaco 2x1 tent.  I havent made as much progress as I'd like but its still progress.