Monday, June 13, 2016

Here mojo!

Last week left a lot to be desired in my stitching progress.  I don't know if I just got bored with blue or just busy and tired.  This is my progress on Star Spangled Banner as of Thursday last week.

I didn't pick anything up Friday or Saturday though I did go through my WIPs to see if anything would grab my attention.  The result was Chatelaine's Heritage Sampler and my kitted Hawaii came upstairs with me.  I went through my kit and found that I had chosen to replace the heart Martina used in her design with a cosmic ring.  I also have changed whatever was in the turtles in part 12 to black pearls.  I think someone did this when this was still a class and I liked the look.

Sunday afternoon, I finally got a chance to sit down and stitch and made good progress on this band.  I got the leaves done and started on the jessica berries.  Tonight is the only night I have this week there isn't something going on so I plan to take advantage of it and hopefully get a bunch of berries done.  Then, they still need to be outlined.

1 comment:

Terri said...

If you find your mojo, mine is probably with it :-) I just haven't been able to pick up any stitching lately.

Beautiful stitching! I really like the star spangled banner piece.