Well I haven't finished my headboard yet, but I'm close! I just have to finish those darn buttons. It seems I should have drilled larger holes through the plywood to make them easier to find when pushing the needle back through. Live and learn, I guess! But I still thought I should share a picture. What do you think? Haven't decided which way is up yet, but there it is.

Since I decided yesterday that I needed something totally different what what I've been stitching recently, namely HAEDs and Chatelaines I chose a little chart I got on clearance at Hobby Lobby a while ago. Last night, I coffee dyed the fabric and think it turned out really well. It's a light brown color that is just a little mottled. Here's the chart and my floss toss. This is my first piece in all HDF
The colors from left to right are:Yellow Spice 4163, Yellow Spice 4161, Dragon Blood, Examplar Fleckstone, Old Blue Eyes and Mermaid Blue 2327. The one I'm stitching now is a Christmas gift for our daycare provider. I know she really loves Americana and would REALLY like to have One Nation, but this one I can get done a whole lot faster AND I bought enough of the silks to do one for me!