So it's been a rough couple of weeks.
On August 30, I became, unexpectedly, unemployed. And let me just say, that sucked.
Things are looking up now and I have to totally agree with "When one door closes, another door opens" because I've found my open door and have gone through it.
Sadly, I didn't do a lot of stitching over the last two weeks. My stitchy bug was chased away by the funk I found myself in. Maybe it went on vacation with my appetite since I didn't have that either. I lost 15 pounds which I'm totally aware isn't good.
Anyway. I finished band 4 on Loara Standish
Then she was put away.
I pulled Beaded Dragonfly Tile back out and did make a bit of progress, mostly over a weekend.
Sea Witch came back out.
And I couldn't settle in with it. So it was put away.
Then I decided maybe a new start would help and I pulled out a Kreinik Kit I bought at Hobby Lobby years ago, back when they actually had more than Dimensions kits. This was probably about the time I was buying Mirabilia charts there.
I started
and progress my first night